COLLABORATORS: Marc Lee (CCPA), Penny Gurstein (UBC), David Eby (Pivot Legal Society) and Elvin Wyly (UBC) – (IN PROGRESS)
Invited by the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives to be a part of an specialized interdisciplinary group of academics and professionals who dealt with different aspects of affordable housing, Phase I of the project included creating a report looking at affordability in the region and its relation to the the EcoDensity Actions proposed by the City of Vancouver for submission to the Vancouver City Council. The write-up included the collection and representation of diverse data relating to affordability, as well as policy alternatives to standard municipal regulations as a means of ensuring the creation and maintenance of affordable housing in Vancouver.
Included in my specific tasks were content development, the creation of various information graphics based on vast quantities of data gathered, as well as the graphic layout of the document in conformance to .
Phase II, currently in progress, will elaborate on the information gathered in the first phase, looking at local affordability as compared to nationally trends as well as draw upon broader international example of policy alternatives.